InspirationLet's Knit Magazine

Modelling debut for Mini Me – Updated

Yesterday Katie made her modelling debut for Let’s Knit Magazine.  She was modelling a pair of socks I designed for Let’s Knit!  Words can not tell you how incredibly proud I was of my little girl as she took direction from the photographer like a pro.

katie lets knit photo shoot1

The photo studio were incredibly kind and allowed us to take photographs to share with you.  Obviously I have had to blur the socks until they have been published (I will post unedited pictures when I am able).

frill seeker photoshoot


frill seeker jane burns


frill seeker jane burns

frill seeker socks jane burns

I was thrilled that I was able to be at the shoot of one of my designs and see what goes on behind the scenes.  Of course Doug thoroughly enjoyed all the tech and gadgetry.

I get to check out the shots
I get to check out the shots
Reviewing the pictures with the photographer
Reviewing the pictures with the photographer

And it’s a wrap!  ‘That’s what they say when they have finished filming isn’t it?”

Thank you very much to everyone who made today very special for Katie (and myself).

0 thoughts on “Modelling debut for Mini Me – Updated

  • Well done to your daughter, she looks lovely in all these shots. She must be a natural.
    I know how hard it is for kids when they’re modelling, you sometimes only have a small window of opportunity before they get really bored! My boys modelled some of the knits in my second book when they were 2 and 6 (now 9 and 12) and I had to ply them with snacks and promises of treats after we’d done!

    • There was a pre shoot lemonade, apparently it is a requirement of all top models. She can’t wait to do it again!

  • Pingback: Frill Seeker – Katie’s first photoshoot | Jane Burns

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