
Situations Vacant – New house elves needed!

I went to bed last night leaving a couple of piles of knitted pieces that required sewing up.  I once read a book about a crafts person,  who would spend their days cutting out pattern pieces and leaving them out at night.  They got up in the morning to find perfectly stitched shoes and clothes.  Now,  I spent a long time yesterday knitting tiny pieces for two separate projects.  I went to bed at ridiculous o’clock, sure that I had been a very productive girl and that my efforts would be rewarded with some nocturnal assistance.

I woke to these!

stack of triangles

and these….

body parts

Apologies,  I am a bad blogger!  I forgot to take the second picture before I did some of the knitting,  but you get the idea.  The last picture is a glimpse at my next free pattern, can you guess what it is?  First person to comment with the correct answer will receive a copy of the pattern via email before it goes up for general release AND I will name the pattern after them.  (Watch the blog to see if you are the winner).

So my house elves have been sacked!  I left them a note:

Youre Fired

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