
WTF, what next?

Sometimes, just sometimes I take things a little too personally. I have been working on a large project for a magazine. Chunky yarn and a lot of stitches (by chunky knit standards). Picture this….182sts on my needles, I have worked 54 heavy going rows when things suddenly felt very light!


The cable had come away from the locking mechanism.

I thought at first it had come unscrewed, but no, a clean break! I sat for a while perfectly still, as the weight of the project pulled lots of stitches into my lap, unravelling as they went, me chanting ‘oh no, Oh No, OH NO!********** What next?’

Thank goodness for lifelines, see previous post Bleedin’ yarn.

*********** for the purposes of decency, let’s just say what followed wasn’t, gosh, darn this, one is mildly irate.

0 thoughts on “WTF, what next?

  • so was there a lifeline to rescue from disaster? after reading your previous post on lifeline, I am using it myself to help when unravelling may be necessary 😉

    • Of course there was a lifeline, but it was too many rows back to stop the air being turned blue by my narrative, lol

  • PS that lifeline video is AMAZING, thanks for sharing 🙂 would you mind it share it on my blog, as I just mentioned using a lifeline in my last post?

    • Glad you enjoyed the video 🙂 I didn’t make the it though, but agreed it is a great ‘how to’

      • it’s a great video and i am grateful that you mentioned both lifelines and the how-to 🙂 I think it’ll be mentioned in one of my next posts, so maybe others will learn about it too


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